Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation

Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation

A good data validation strategy is an important part of every application development project. Being able to consolidate and generalize validation using a proven framework can significantly improve the reliability of your software, especially over time.
Whereas unstructured and uncontrolled validation policies will lead to increased support and maintenance costs, a consolidated validation strategy can significantly minimize the cascade effect of changes to your code base. A validation layer can also be a very useful tool for some types of debugging.

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I recently needed to implement a lightweight validation framework for a project. I discovered Hibernate Validator, an open source project from JBoss. The framework impressed me with its simplicity and flexibility, so I am introducing it with this Java Tip. I'll share my experience with setting up and using Hibernate Validator, with simple use cases that demonstrate key features such as declarative annotations, composite validation rules, and selective validation.

Data validation in Java

See Victor Okunev's "Validation with pure Java" to learn more about the java.beans package and the logic of constrained properties in Java.

Getting started with Hibernate Validator

Hibernate Validator provides a solid foundation for building lightweight, flexible validation code for Java SE and Java EE applications. Hibernate Validator is supported by a number of popular frameworks, but its libraries can also be used in a standalone implementation. Standalone Java SE validation components can become an integral part of any complex heterogeneous server-side application. In order to follow this introduction to using Hibernate Validator to build a standalone component, you will need to have JDK 6 or higher installed. All use cases in the article are built using Validator version 5.0.3. You should download the Hibernate Validator 5.0.x binary distribution package, where directory \hibernate-validator-5.0.x.Final\dist contains all the binaries required for standalone implementation.



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