Saturday, 30 January 2016

Java programming language training Institute in Jaipur

Java programming language Training Institute in Jaipur    

Java programming language is developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is object oriented, platform independent, simple, secure, architectural–neutral, portable, robust, multi threaded, high performance, distributed and dynamic. It can be used to develop software and also applets. A java program can run on various operating systems without rewriting the code. And this is possible because of java run-time environment which tells the operating system what to do by interpreting the java code.   
Java is a perfect programming language for anybody who wants to learn Object Oriented Concepts. In our core java training, at SPC, the best of the teaching methodologies are followed so that the students can gain the best of knowledge on each and every topic in the course. As we have expert trainers with long real time experience, we deliver training with practical real time awareness along with the theoretical understanding. Students are guided through the training in such a way that they can develop a standalone application using swings by the end of core java training course.
SPC is the ultimate best core java training institute in Jaipur. We can proudly say that students trained at our institute have very good command on the subject than those trained elsewhere. Course material covering all the topics is given to help the students learn better. Daily assignments and regular assessments are conducted to help groom their technical skills. Good learning environment, regular assistance and well cataloged training procedures are the key features of SPC core java Trainingin Jaipur.

Core Java Training Objectives
The objectives of this course are:
·         To become familiar with the features of Java Language
·         To discover how to write Java code according to Object-Oriented Programming principles.
·         To become comfortable with concepts such as Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Interfaces
·         To learn Java APIs for Collections, I/O Streams
·         To design GUI applications and Applets using AWT and Swing.
·         To develop Multithreaded and Networking applications.
·         To develop database applications using JDBC

This course is designed to meet the needs of those who want to be professional Java developers. This will also help the audience to get through the Java Programmer Certification.
Students should be familiar with basic programming techniques and have some real programming experience, preferably with procedural programming languages, and ideally with C. Even though C++ is not required, prior knowledge of it will be an added advantage.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Programming languages Training Institute in Jaipur

Programming languages Training Institute in Jaipur
SPC Training Institute is best provider for software programming languages in Jaipur. We provide C Language training, C++ training, Java training, DSA (data structures) training in Jaipur. We provide software languages course basic level to high level programming. Our trainers have professional experienced of software industry, they will give you smart knowledge's of C Language, C++, Java programming.     
In University classes, collages classes student have done degree but they are not getting any opportunity in Software market & IT industries. Our faculty and trainer develop the technical skill in student and it helps them in good job. So polish your career by Start learning C Language, C++, and Core Java coaching classes from SPC Jaipur.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Introduction of Java

Introduction of Java
What is Java?
Java is a programming language and a platform.
Platform Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, known as a platform. Since Java has its own Runtime Environment (JRE) and API, it is called platform .
Where it is used?
According to Sun, 3 billion devices run java. There are many devices where java is currently used. Some of them are as follows:
  1. Desktop Applications such as acrobat reader, media player, antivirus etc.
  2. Web Applications  etc.
  3. Enterprise Applications such as banking applications.
  4. Mobile
  5. Embedded System
  6. Smart Card
  7. Robotics
  8. Games etc.
Types of Java Applications
There are mainly 4 type of applications that can be created using java:
1) Standalone Application
It is also known as desktop application or window-based application. An application that we need to install on every machine such as media player, antivirus etc. java training in jaipur.AWT and Swing are used in java for creating standalone applications.
2) Web Application
An application that runs on the server side and creates dynamic page, is called web application. Currently, servlet, jsp, struts, jsf etc. technologies are used for creating web applications in java.
3) Enterprise Application
An application that is distributed in nature, such as banking applications etc. It has the advantage of high level security, load balancing and clustering. In java, EJB is used for creating enterprise applications.
4) Mobile Application
An application that is created for mobile devices. Currently Android and Java ME are used for creating mobile applications.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

OOPs in Java- Encapsulation

OOPs in Java- Encapsulation   

One of the most fundamental concept of OOPs is Abstraction. Abstraction is a powerful methodology to manage complex systems. Abstraction is managed by well-defined objects and their hierarchical classification. For example a car in itself is a well-defined object, which is composed of several other smaller objects like a gearing system, steering mechanism, engine, which are again have their own subsystems. But for humans car is a one single object, which can be managed by the help of its subsystems, even if their inner details are unknown.
Java is an object oriented language because it provides the features to implement an object oriented model. These features includes encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
OOPS is about developing an application around its data, i.e. objects which provides the access to their properties and the possible operations in their own way.

Principles of OOPs


Below is a real-life example of encapsulation. For the example program and more details on this concept refer encapsuation in java with example.
Encapsulation is:
  • Binding the data with the code that manipulates it.
  • It keeps the data and the code safe from external interference
Looking at the example of a power steering mechanism of a car. Power steering of a car is a complex system, which internally have lots of components tightly coupled together, they work synchronously to turn the car in the desired direction. It even controls the power delivered by the engine to the steering wheel. But to the external world there is only one interface is available and rest of the complexity is hidden. Moreover, the steering unit in itself is complete and independent. It does not affect the functioning of any other mechanism.
Similarly, same concept of encapsulation can be applied to code. Encapsulated code should have following characteristics:
  • Everyone knows how to access it.
  • Can be easily used regardless of implementation details.
  • There shouldn’t any side effects of the code, to the rest of the application.
The idea of encapsulation is to keep classes separated and prevent them from having tightly coupled with each other.
A live example of encapsulation is the class of java.util.Hashtable. User only knows that he can store data in the form of key/value pair in a Hashtable and that he can retrieve that data in the various ways. But the actual implementation like, how and where this data is actually stored, is hidden from the user. User can simply use Hashtable wherever he wants to store Key/Value pairs without bothering about its implementation.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation

Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation

A good data validation strategy is an important part of every application development project. Being able to consolidate and generalize validation using a proven framework can significantly improve the reliability of your software, especially over time.
Whereas unstructured and uncontrolled validation policies will lead to increased support and maintenance costs, a consolidated validation strategy can significantly minimize the cascade effect of changes to your code base. A validation layer can also be a very useful tool for some types of debugging.

Develop a JDBC persistence layer for your basic Spark web application, then use jQuery and DBUtils to
I recently needed to implement a lightweight validation framework for a project. I discovered Hibernate Validator, an open source project from JBoss. The framework impressed me with its simplicity and flexibility, so I am introducing it with this Java Tip. I'll share my experience with setting up and using Hibernate Validator, with simple use cases that demonstrate key features such as declarative annotations, composite validation rules, and selective validation.

Data validation in Java

See Victor Okunev's "Validation with pure Java" to learn more about the java.beans package and the logic of constrained properties in Java.

Getting started with Hibernate Validator

Hibernate Validator provides a solid foundation for building lightweight, flexible validation code for Java SE and Java EE applications. Hibernate Validator is supported by a number of popular frameworks, but its libraries can also be used in a standalone implementation. Standalone Java SE validation components can become an integral part of any complex heterogeneous server-side application. In order to follow this introduction to using Hibernate Validator to build a standalone component, you will need to have JDK 6 or higher installed. All use cases in the article are built using Validator version 5.0.3. You should download the Hibernate Validator 5.0.x binary distribution package, where directory \hibernate-validator-5.0.x.Final\dist contains all the binaries required for standalone implementation.


Java NIO Buffer

Java NIO Buffer 

Buffer is a block of data that is to be written to a channel or just read from a channel. It is an object that holds data and acts as an endpoint in a NIO channel. Buffer provides a formal mechanism to access data and tracks the read and write processes.
Buffer is one of the main differences between the old Java I/O and the NIO. Previously data is read directly from a stream or written directly into it. Now the data is read from a buffer or written into it. Channels are synonymous to streams in the NIO. To know more about NIO channel, please read the previous Java NIO Channel.

NIO Buffer Characteristics

  • Buffers are the basic building blocks of  Java NIO.
  • Buffers provides a fixed size container to read and write data.
  • Every buffer is readable, but only chosen buffers are writable.
  • Buffers are endpoints of Channels.
  • In a read-only buffer content is not mutable but, its mark, position and limit are mutable.
  • By default buffers are not thread-safe.

Buffer Types

There is a buffer type for each primitive type. All the buffer classes implement the Buffer interface. The most used buffer type is ByteBuffer. Following are the buffer types available in Java NIO package.
  • ByteBuffer
  • CharBuffer
  • ShortBuffer
  • IntBuffer
  • LongBuffer
  • FloatBuffer
  • DoubleBuffer
  • MappedByteBuffer

Buffer Capacity

Buffer is a fixed size type, we can store only a maximum of a “fixed amount” of data. That maximum fixed size is called capacity of the buffer. Once the buffer is full it should be cleared before writing to it. Once a capacity is set it never changes in its lifetime.

Buffer Limit

On write mode, limit is equal to the capacity of the buffer. On read mode, limit is one past the last filled index of the buffer. When the buffer is being written, the limit keeps incrementing. Limit of a buffer is always greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to capacity. 0 <= limit <= capacity.

Buffer Position

Position points to the current location in buffer. When the buffer is created, position is set to zero. On write or read, the position is incremented to next index. Position is always set between zero and the limit of the buffer.

Buffer Mark

Mark is like setting a bookmark of the position in a buffer. When we mark() is called the current position is recorded and when reset() is called the marked position is restored.